Instrumenting a Buffalo Application with New Relic

Brian Scott
2 min readJan 23, 2018


Currently I maintain a little buffalo application called, which was inspired by for any Rubyists out there.

I wanted to keep track of the response time and internals of my Buffalo app and turned to New Relic to do just that. The Buffalo creator Mark Bates was kind enough to quickly help me so I decided to write a short post for any Gopher trying to do the same.

The implementation is really simple, open up your favorite code editor, VS Code is my choice now a days. You’ll want to navigate to the actions directory and edit app.go

You’ll want to add the following code, you may have to tweak my example depending on your own app.go as the example below is tailored for this post.

Let’s add the New Relic package using dep package management.

dep ensure -add

As you can see, we must set a Environment VAR, in this case, I’m using Heroku as my platform of choice. Change APP_NAME to the name of your heroku app. I would set this before deploying to Heroku if your using the platform.


After Deployment, you’ll need to wait about 5–10 minutes before data starts showing up in the New Relic Dashboard.

Hope you enjoyed this little post!



Brian Scott

A DevOps Badass/Dad. Who likes to work with Containers/Serverless/Golang, Manager of Systems Engineering @ Disney, Automation and improving Web Operations.